Useful Info and Links
Blue Green Algae info from WI DNR
Blue Green Algae Health impact form (DHS)
Dane County Beach closing info
Dane County letter re lake levels
Wisconsin Boating Regulations (DNR)
Dane County Boating Regulations
Dane County Land & Water Resources
Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting
List lost and found items on the FOLKS Facebook page or contact Eric Olson at
Law Enforcement: The sheriff's boat will patrol during the week and weekends. They remind all lake users that flotation devices are needed for paddle boarding, kayaks, and while using large inflatables. Also, there is a law requiring slow-no-wake within 200 feet of shore.
Swimmers Itch: FOLKS has received reports of members getting swimmer's Itch when raking weeds (not when swimming). See this DNR article for more information on cause and prevention. It is neither dangerous nor contagious, but can be very uncomfortable.